PowerG wireless technology is the best way to ensure your security and life safety devices perform at their peak efficiency. With ultra long range, these devices boast the industry’s best encryption and feature two way communication for battery efficiency and remote troubleshooting, saving you a technician visit and getting results fast. With over 60 available channels these devices automatically avoid interference, eliminating hackers ability to jam the system and ensuring you always have a clean fast signal. With the ultra long range these can easily replace wired sensors without the need to run conduit, rent forklifts, or run wires through existing walls, saving time and money on each job. Rated for residential or commercial use and with a robust portfolio covering a variety of use cases you’ll always have the solution you need.
Tag Archives: DR HORTON
Blog: Upgrading to LTE
AT&T will stop using their 3G cellular towers in February 2022. Verizon will cease their 3G support shortly after that. In Canada, 2G cellular technology will stop by the end of 2021. We call it the 2G/3G sunset, and like the actual sunset at the end of the day, it’s a gradual decline, not a point in time. These towers are already starting to come down, and entire cities are finding themselves without 2G/3G cellular connectivity.
In the past security system used landline phone connections to send their signals, but over the past 10 years, security industry manufacturers and installers have relied heavily on 2G/3G cellular technology to keep their systems connected. As the industry faces the 2G/3G sunset everyone recognizes a massive workload ahead of them: Millions of end users face the possibility of owning a system that no longer has the capability to contact their monitoring center unless action is taken.
Blog: 2020 Has One Final Gift
Blog: The Nightly Shutdown

Blog: Thankful for technology
As we enter the holiday season we cannot help but turn our minds towards home and family. In 2020 travel to your quaint hometown for the holidays might be different. Perhaps you plan to live stream your dinner with multiple families. Maybe you’ll share favorite recipes or send treats through the mail. If you do plan to leave home, be sure to remember the following things:
- Lock your doors
- Close your garage
- Arm your IQ Panel in “Away” mode
- Turn off all your appliances
- Set up your lights to automatically turn on throughout the day and evening to give your home that “lived in” feel
- Ensure your indoor, outdoor, and video doorbell cameras are working
- Make sure your flood sensors, smoke detectors, and Caron Monoxide detectors are working. (You may want to test your system!)
- Ensure your mobile app can connect remotely so you can view and control anything you “forgot”
Isn’t it wonderful to know you can manage any and all of these items remotely? We are truly grateful for the amazing technology that makes it all possible. Stay safe this holiday season, and don’t worry about your home while you are gone, we’ll take care of it for you!
Blog: 2020 Is The Year Of The Upgrade
2020 has been the year of the upgrade. Many of us sent home during the early months of the pandemic spent our first month fixing things. Home repairs ranged from gutter cleaning to window washing, picking up clutter and setting up home offices. During this process we realized that our internet needed an upgrade, the router powering our home wireless network hadn’t been replaced for many years, our laptops were outdated and it seemed like everywhere we looked there was technology that needed to be improved. For those facing the impending 3G sunset we looked at our old security panels and thought “I’ve got to be eligible for an upgrade, right? Its about time for a touchscreen…. and maybe we should add a smart door lock... and one of those video doorbells… it would be nice to have a camera on the driveway… and we never put smoke detectors in the kid’s rooms…. And.. and.. The list keeps going. As you look at your home and consider all the things it COULD do, talk to your security and smarthome provider to find out what’s possible. Maybe, just maybe, your new upgraded security and home automation system could be the thing that finally makes 2020 great...
Blog: Protecting your apartment from Fire
You never expect a fire to occur in your home or apartment, but when you do the first thought is, “Is everyone safe?”
The shrill siren of the smoke alarm can be absolutely terrifying, especially if it happens unexpectedly. Sure it’s annoying when you burn the toast or singe the turkey, but you anticipate that triggering as smoke fills the room. It's completely different when it occurs in the middle of the night. After the initial wave of terror and shock, several questions might smack you in the brain:
Blog: So, you got a new Apple Watch?
The new Apple Watch Series 6 is amazing, and if you’re like me, you are checking your Blood o2 levels, heart rate, and performing Electro Cardiograms hourly. But what can you do with the Alarm.com app?
The Alarm.com app for App Watch is elegant and easy to use. The first screen has easy to touch menu system that shows off all the different aspects of your smart home that you currently have installed. For me scenes is at the top of the list, giving me access to the scenes I’ve created on my phone including home, away, sleep, opening and closing my garage, and my personal favorite: Movie Time. With a single touch an entire series of actions cascades across my home: doors lock, lights turn off, and the security system arms.
Probably the coolest function of the Alarm.com app on Apple Watch app is the ability to view cameras on your wrist. Get a live stream anywhere. See the puppy, check on the kids, peep the driveway, or check for deer in the back yard. Its easy, fast, and fun.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to check on the cat…
News: The Benefits of Whole Home Control & How to Profit Off Them
With the 3G sunset quickly approaching, now is the perfect time to give your customer’s home controls interface a makeover. Find out what the latest control panels have to offer and more.
Today’s consumers want the latest and greatest convenience technologies in their homes. Integrators want technology they can install easily and efficiently. Fortunately for both parties, today’s home controls are feature-packed and installation-friendly.
In the past, security control panels and sensors were ugly plastic boxes that required cable to be pulled and holes to be drilled. Today, security solutions manufacturers are taking design cues from companies like Apple and creating sleek, modern-looking wireless control panels that are attractive, but unobtrusive.
BLOG: Coming Home to a Smart Apartment
Coming home to a smart apartment is easiest with a smart door lock with either pushbutton or touchscreen interface. Never worry about carrying keys again with code based access that allows only those authorized to enter the apartment. Codes can be granted for up to 242 unique users, and access can even be limited to specific days of the week or times of the day.
Make coming home even easier with Bluetooth Touchless Disarming. Pair your smartphone with the Qolsys #IQPanel, and when you leave, arm the system in “away mode.” Your apartment and its contents will be safe and protected while you are gone. When you return, the #IQPanel instantly detects your phone as it gets in range (up to 60 feet away) will disarm the security system and unlock the front door. You simply walk inside! It’s the easiest and most convenient way to return home without typing your codes, and with the encrypted, individually authenticated connection via Bluetooth it’s safe and secure.