The 3G Sunset is Coming
As part of a move to refine and modernize their connection options, Rogers has announced they will be shutting down their 3G network on March 31st, 2025. After this date, devices that utilize 3G connections for network communications will no longer work.
While the complete shutdown is scheduled for March, some areas might lose 3G coverage before the formal sunset. It’s important to review your upgrade options as soon as possible to ensure your systems don’t stop working after next year.
Why Remove 3G?
3G is an outdated technology. It was first introduced in the early 2000s, and in the 20 years since its widespread adoption, it has been replaced by faster, more efficient 4G and 5G technologies. Operating out-of-date 3G networks is a resource-intensive process and compared to the demand for modern 4G and 5G device options, 3G simply isn’t a viable way to connect cellular devices. By shutting down 3G networks, companies can better allocate resources and focus their efforts on providing the best possible experience for 4G and 5G users.
What’s Next?
If you do not already have a plan to upgrade for your 3G accounts, now is the time to develop one. Users with 3G devices will need to upgrade any 3G devices to an LTE-compatible device before the shutdown to keep their systems online.
What Do You Need To Do?
1. Check Your Devices: Identify if any of your devices are still using 3G. This could include alarm systems, medical alert devices or other connected gadgets.
2. Plan Your Upgrade: If you have a login for the C24 Communications website (www.connect24.com), you can check which devices need upgrading. If you don’t have a login, contact your C24 reseller for assistance.
3. Schedule Upgrades: Plan to upgrade your devices as part of your regular service routine to avoid any disruptions. You might also consider scheduling upgrades during existing service calls to save time and effort.
Affected Devices and Their Replacements
Here are some common devices that will be affected by the 3G shutdown and their recommended LTE replacements:
Old Device Model
New LTE Model
3G2055 (Impassa)
Qolsys IQ Panels
Need Help?
For further details about the sunset from Rogers, please read their 3G Shutdown Letter. If you have any questions or need assistance with the upgrade, please contact:
Connect 24 Customer Service
Phone: 1-888-955-5583 (Canada)
Email: techsupport@connect24.com
DSC Technical Support
Phone: 1-800-387-3630
Email: intrusion-support@tycoint.com